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News, articles, and insights from the team at Spur

Enhance your online security with Monocle’s new features! Our latest update introduces Country Code (CC), Remote Desktop (RDP), and Data Center Hosted...

We’re excited to introduce our latest open-source innovation: the ability to deploy our Context API on-premises. This new project, now available on...

It’s a scary world out there for residential IPs; they are the key product of “underground” proxy services like Faceless, SocksEscort, NSocks,...

In order to support additional types of backends, integrations, and architectures, Monocle will now support an additional type of deployment: Spur Managed...

We’re delighted to introduce our latest enterprise integration, the Spur Enrichment for Splunk application. This new application is specifically designed to elevate...

It is not often that Spur has the opportunity to glean full insight into a malware proxy service. Because we track hundreds...

If you build it, they will come Putting anything public-facing on the Internet will result in abuse over a long enough time...

The Problem Late last week, I was procrastinating perusing LinkedIn and encountered an article that referenced a scaled ad-fraud campaign powered by...

Residential Proxy Primer A residential proxy routes traffic through an IP Address assigned to a physical location using devices at that location,...

The Next Step in Proxy Detection Spur started over 5 years ago, and looking back, the ecosystem of anonymization services in 2017...

How IP Reputation Gets Large Gateways Wrong Thanks to Network Address Translation (NAT), large organizations can get by with only a small...

Someone Call 911: A Proxy Service Died It’s been over two months since the malware proxy service 911re imploded and there have...

Residential proxy sourcing: witting vs. unwitting Residential proxies – normal user devices (such as phones and PCs) with proxy software installed –...

UPDATE 2022-02-09: Checkout our new dev portal and corresponding context api documentation. Our Next Gen IP Context Spur’s IP Context API was...

(Note: This post was migrated from the Spur website and was originally written on 11/17/2020) TL;DR APTs use commercial VPNs and proxies....

A Quick Recap Residential proxies and malware proxies are one of the core technologies Spur is battling in the fight against fraud....

If I were to say that a new botnet has compromised over 70 million devices world-wide, it would be front-page news. At...

Latest on Spur from the press

Huntress Labs & O365 ATOs

Krebs on Security