// FAQs

Frequently asked questions

How do I get access to Spur?

Create an account online to get access to our free community dashboard and online products.

Visit our developer portal for technical reference documentation, examples, and integration instructions. Here you will find code samples for a number of integrations.

Please email us at support@spur.us or reach out for any assistance.

If you need to manage your company account, you will need to contact your account owner directly. There is no way to link online accounts to an organization.

The community search portal shows raw JSON results for IP addresses. This hey the full context API data response. Programatic access is only available for purchased API plans. If the UI tool is insufficient and you want to test automation, we recommend subscribing to a monthly plan.

You can contact us and explain the situation if you want. No promises.

No, Spur is a direct sales company. We will work with procurement VARs on a case-by-case basis.

Yes, however we have established a minimum purchase level to support this type of engagement. This purchase level is much higher than our online offerings and is managed by our enterprise sales team. If you are still interested, contact our sales team directly.

No, our online terms, dashboard, and API subscriptions license the data exclusively for internal use. We do support commercial use-cases with a minimum purchase level. Please contact our sales team to learn more.