// Google Captcha Alternative

Next generation proxy detection

// Passive zero-trust

The convenience of captcha, the capabilities of a zero-trust proxy

Residential proxy detection

Monocle detects users coming from endpoint based proxy networks. Detection at the session level lets you take action without impacting legitimate users.

// Pricing

Choose the plan that's right for you

Enterprise solutions

Contact sales
Enterprise solutions backed by an SLA that scale based on the number of assessments you need.

  • Monthly assessments: Up to ∞
  • Number of deployments: Unlimited

99.3% Detection rate
Edge deployment
End-to-end encrypted
Proxy and VPN detection
Performance SLA
Service attributions
Experimental fields
// FAQs

Frequently asked questions

What platforms does Monocle support?

Monocle is a cross-platform JavaScript solution that has been deployed and tested in every major engine including V8, SpiderMonkey, and JavaScriptCore. So if your application or device supports JavaScript, it can support Monocle.

There are three primary factors for pricing: volume, features, and SLA. If you have less than 10M monthly assessments or don’t need to identify what specific anonymity service is being used, our Community Edition is a great place to start.

A customer once said “I don’t have a bot problem, I have a human problem.” Click farms, call-centers, and advanced automation frameworks can easily bypass captchas. But they cannot fake their utilization of residential proxy services.

The documentation can be found at docs.spur.us

We have reference implementations in JavaScript, Golang, Python, and PHP. Check out our examples.